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IAC July Board Meeting Summary

Board Meeting – July 19, 2016 Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Todd McKinley, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Selling Carl’s parking spot. The board discussed the method in which to offer a 12-month lease of Carl’s surface lot parking space. It was decided the best method would be a closed blind bid via...

June 2016 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, C.J. O’Donnell, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Selling Carl’s parking spot. The board voted to mark (number) and allow rental of the maintenance parking spot in the south surface lot, determined by a lottery of interested residents. Chris will send an an email with more information. The...

May 2016 IAC Board meeting summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, C.J. O’Donnell, Todd McKinley, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Window cleaning. The window cleaning will take place on May 20th and 21st, weather permitting. The window company will confirm with Chris later this week or at the very beginning of next week. Financial Report. The board reviewed the financials for...

IAC April Board meeting summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, C.J. O’Donnell, Todd McKinley, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Cleaning costs. Current cleaning costs have been lowered to $1,200 per month with new revised schedule. Realtor code. Chris asked for the board’s thoughts on setting up separate codes for each month, 12 months in advance. The board determined...

IAC March 2016 Board meeting summary

Reconvening of IAC Annual Meeting. At 6:52 p.m. President Steve Spence reconvened the Annual Meeting. Having completed all business on the Agenda for the meeting and seeing that there was no further business to come before the membership, this meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Members present. Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, C.J. O’Donnell, Todd McKinley, Alan Nelson,...

IAC February Board Meeting summary

Indianapolis Athletic Club February 2016 Board Meeting Summary Board positions. The new board positions are as follows: President - Steve Spence, Vice President - Todd McKinley, Treasurer - Alan Nelson, Secretary - Amanda Goehlert, At-large - C.J. O’Donnell Rental Cap Discussion. The board moved to reconvene the annual meeting and close voting on the rental cap amendment. The tally...

IAC 2016 Annual Meeting minutes

January 17, 2016 Call to order. A quorum being present and documented on the sign-in sheets, the meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Jack Wickes. Introduction of Board Members and Property Manager. President Jack Wickes, Vice President Jason All, Treasurer Steve Spence, Secretary Amanda Goehlert, at-large member Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property...

IAC Fitness Committee Meeeting 2/9/16

In attendance: Committee chair Amanda Goehlert, residents Dale Benson, Steve Spence, Rick Bletsis, Kyle Resetarits, and Shelley Stewart. Game room. Darts. John Kearton has previously mentioned a dart board he would consider donating to the game room. Amanda will contact him, get a wall picked out and look into adding cork protection around the area if needed. Lights....

IAC December 2015 Board meeting summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, Jason All, Jack Wickes, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Garage cleaning. Two garage cleanings will be scheduled for next year; one in March and one in September or October. The board urges Carl to spot clean as necessary especially around the garbage bin area. Short-term rentals. The board...