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News and Notes

Temporary water shut off notice

Dear Resident, On Monday, September 26 between 5 and 5:30 a.m., the water will be briefly shut off to allow Koorsen to conduct their annual fire pump test. The water will only be off for a few minutes during that window. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, IAC Board of Directors...

September 2016 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Todd McKinley, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management and resident guests Aaron Smalls, Chris Williams and Pat Spence. Selling Carl’s parking spot. Chris presented the board with a draft of the letter to go out to residents announcing the bidding process for 1-year lease of Carl’s outside parking spot. Fiber...

Changes to Vermont ramp turnaround rules

Dear Resident, As you may be aware, there have been several complaints regarding problems caused by vehicles parked in the turnaround area on the Vermont St. ramp. Effective Thursday, September 22nd, parking on the turnaround area of the Vermont St. ramp will no longer be permitted, and this area will be an automatic tow zone. We will be...

How I Enjoy Everyday

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Alltime Have Sunshine

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Beautiful Nature

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Prepare Your Travel

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Go Out In The Mountains

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...