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News and Notes

Basement Garage Cleaning

Dear Homeowner, The basement level parking garage will be cleaned on Tuesday March 20th starting at 8:30am. Please remove your vehicle by no later than 8:00am on Tuesday March 20th. The cleaning should take approximately 8 hours to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Noll at Ardsley Management at 259-0383 Ext. 230 or [email protected] Sincerely, IAC...

February 2018 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Jason Range, C.J. O’Donnell, Russ McQuaid, Allison Martin and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Also present during the first part of the meeting were Steve Spence, Daun Weliever and Molly E. Lee for a confidential update on the Smalls v. IAC Board lawsuit. Officer positions. President – Russ McQuaid, 104 [email protected] Vice...

Road closures near IAC this Saturday

Dear resident, Saturday, Feb. 10, the 500 Festival 3-Miler race will take place in downtown from 8 to 11 a.m. As a result there may be road closures on Illinois and Meridian streets during those hours. The route can be found here. Please plan accordingly in regards to access in and out of the IAC parking areas. Sincerely, IAC Board...

2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

The following are notes from the annual meeting of the Indianapolis Athletic Club residents held on January 16, 2018. Documents available: 2018 budget 1027 Reserve Study 2016 Year End Audited Financials Call to order. Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. Introductions. President Todd McKinley opened the meeting, stating he and the Board would like to congratulate all residents for...

Recent trash chute issues

Dear resident, The Board would like to remind residents that all cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed inside the dumpster in the basement garage. Boxes, broken down or not, have clogged the trash chute two weeks in a row recently. In order to clear the chute, maintenance staff had to drop many of the heaviest...