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October 2018 Board Meeting summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, CJ O’Donnell and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Resident Forum. No residents in attendance. Cleaning and Maintenance. Landscape beds. Landscape Solutions has completed the fall cleanup. The Board approved the 2019 landscape proposal, which is $9,015 fo cleanup, mulch and flowers over the summer and into early fall. The Board is...

Vermont St Parking Garage

Memo To: Vermont Garage From: Van Rooy Management Date: 10/12/18 Subject: Vermont Garage Concrete Repair We are making some repairs to the concrete in the Vermont Garage from Monday, October 15th through Friday, October 19th. If you park in the garage your vehicle must be moved on the date your floor is scheduled for repair. • Monday, October 15th – 4th floor (spaces 130-164) • Tuesday, October...

Basement Parking Garage Cleaning

Dear Homeowner, The basement level parking garage will be swept on Tuesday October 16th starting at 8:30am. Please remove your vehicle by no later than 8:00am on Tuesday October 16th. The cleaning should take approximately 8 hours to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Noll at Ardsley Management at 259-0383 Ext. 230. Sincerely, Indianapolis Athletic...

Update: Power restored to building

Dear resident, The new main breaker has been replaced and power has been restored to the building. The power outage ran longer than expected due to complications with the incoming power source for which IPL needed to be called out for assistance. Mid-America Elevator was scheduled to be on site today to run checks of the two...

Update: planned power outage moved to Friday (tomorrow)

Dear resident, Unfortunately the main power breaker scheduled to be replaced Monday tripped again this afternoon. Gaylor Electric was able to restart the power to common areas but is not confident the damaged breaker will work through the weekend. Therefore the planned power outage to remove the existing breaker and install the new one has been moved...

Planned power outage Monday, Oct. 8

Dear resident, Next Monday, Oct. 8 electricians from Gaylor will be installing a new main power breaker to the building. They believe our current breaker is causing the common area power outages. The new breaker arrived this week and went through routine independent testing. Gaylor will need to shut off power to the whole building (units and...

Update on common area power

Dear resident, Thank you for your ongoing patience with a reduced number of operating elevators in the main building as we continue to prevent additional power outages to the common areas. Electricians have determined the main breaker needs to be replaced. The part is on order and will be installed next week. Once we know the exact...