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February 2019 Board summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Jason Range, Allison Martin and Chris Noll along with new property manager Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Transition to Sarah as being full-time property manager is expected to be at the end of April. Board Positions. The Board decided positions as follows: President: Russ McQuaid, unit 104, [email protected], 317-991-0061Vice President: Allison...

Pipe repair complete

Dear resident, The sub-basement pipe repair is now complete and the water has been turned back on. Thank you for your patience this week as we made necessary improvements to our infrastructure. Sincerely, IAC Board of Directors...

Sub Basement Pipe Repair

Dear Homeowner, The sub basement repair work has been completed for the day and the water has been turned back on ahead of schedule. The water will be turned back off again on Friday February 8th from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm to complete the project. Sincerely, IAC Board of Directors ...

Reminder: water outage February 4, 6, 8

Dear resident, The Board would like to remind all owners and tenants of the upcoming planned water outage. Next week Roto Rooter will be replacing sections of the waste and water runoff pipe that has rusted to the point of deterioration due to age. Water will be shut off from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on...

Help needed in locating handcarts

Dear resident, The Board of Directors is asking for your assistance in locating or returning the two handcarts available to residents. One cart has gone missing —perhaps permanently—and the second has disappeared on and off for several days at a time recently. A number of owners in the building use the carts on a...

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Call to order. Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. President Russ McQuaid opened the meeting welcoming residents.Reading of minutes of last annual meeting. Residents approved the 2018 Annual Meeting minutes.Treasurer’s Report. Property manager Chris Noll went through the year-end financials line-by-line.Presentation of 2019 Board-approved budget. Chris Noll went through the budget. Questions from residents touched...

Reminder: Annual Meeting Tuesday

The Annual Meeting of the Members of the IAC Loft Owners Association will be held Tuesday, January 15, 2019 in the 1st floor foyer at 7:00 p.m. Your attendance at this meeting is very important. At the annual meeting, we will provide the final 2018 revenue and expenses,  present the significant line items in our approved 2019 budget...

Bios of candidates for open Board positions

Dear resident, There will be two three-year Board positions up for election at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 15th at 7 p.m. There are three residents running for those two positions. At the meeting the Board will give each candidate the opportunity to introduce themselves, share any thoughts regarding the community and answer questions from the residents. Here...

December 2018 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, CJ O’Donnell, Allison Martin and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Resident Forum. Kiran Sebastian. Kiran spoke with the Board regarding cigarette smoke coming into his unit from a neighboring unit. The Board thinks the issue needs to be handled owner-to-owner. The Board is willing to send a letter to the...

Basement Parking Garage

Dear Homeowner, The basement level parking garage will be cleaned on Wednesday December 19th starting at 8:30am. Please remove your vehicle by no later than 8:00am on Wednesday December 19th. The cleaning should take approximately 8 hours to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Noll at Ardsley Management at 259-0383 Ext. 230. Sincerely, Indianapolis Athletic...