Dear resident, please save the date for an IAC "Run for the Roses" Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday, May 4, organized by the Community Life Committee. More details to come in the following weeks.
Dear Homeowner,
The concrete pad just outside of the basement parking garage door will be replaced on Thursday April 18th. In order for this work to be done, access to the basement parking garage will need to be completely restricted from 8:00am on Thursday April 18th until 5:00pm on Friday April 19th. If you are...
Please see the links below for the first quarter financial statements.
IAC balance sheet ending September 30, 2019IAC budget comparison ending March 31, 2019
If you have any questions in regards to either one of these documents, please contact Sarah Leveridge at [email protected] or 317-259-0383 Ext. 223.
Sincerely,IAC Board of Directors
Dear Homeowner,
The roof top paver project will begin on Monday April 15th. The project is expected to take approximately three weeks, weather permitting. RAC Construction will be using a large crane to get materials to the roof top. In order to do this, the entire south lot will need to be empty from...
Dear resident,
This Saturday the 500 Festival 10-Miler will take place Downtown from 8 to 10:30 a.m. The race will result in multiple street closures including Meridian and Pennsylvania streets. The full route can be found here. Access to both garages as well as the south lot will still be accessible off of Vermont Street, though please...
Dear Homeowner,
The exterior window washing will take place on Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th, weather permitting.
Indianapolis Athletic Club Board of Directors
Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Jason Range, Allison Martin. Chris Noll and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management.
New property manager. Chris is transitioning to a new role and Ardsley Property Manager Sarah Leveridge will now be managing the IAC. Sarah can be reached at [email protected] or at 317-253-1401 ext. 223. Residents should begin...
Join your neighbors at an IAC Happy Hour next Thursday, March 21 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at McCormick and Schmick's at 110 N Illinois St. Light appetizers will be provided, sponsored by the Social Committee. If you have any questions, please contact Julia Wickes at [email protected]
Dear resident,It has been brought to the Board's attention that police have been ticketing vehicles parked in the alley between the main building and annex as well as to the west of the surface lot, which they are within their right to do since the alley is city property. The Board will be discussing the matter...
Dear resident,
The basement garage door receiver has had to be turned off temporarily. A technician came to inspect the door and believes there is a good chance a resident's garage door opener could be stuck pressed in, causing the door to attempt to open and close repeatedly. In order to keep the door shut, the receiver...