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News and Notes

Basement Parking Garage – REMINDER

The concrete pad just outside of the basement parking garage door will be replaced on Wednesday, May 15th. In order for this work to be done, access to the basement parking garage will need to be completely restricted until 8:00am on Friday, May 17th. If you are needing the use of your vehicle during this time, please have your vehicle...

Help Downtown Indy, Inc. learn more about living downtown

Dear resident, Downtown Indy, Inc—the urban place management organization for Downtown Indianapolis—is working to form a residential council to give those who live downtown an opportunity to connect, collaborate and advocate on behalf of the residential community. As part of this initiative, they are hoping IAC residents will take part in a brief survey about their experiences...

Basement Parking Garage

Dear Homeowner, Due to the rain, the construction company will be unable to replace the concrete pad today and the basement parking garage will remain open and accessible. We will alert all homeowners ahead of time once a new date for the replacement has been set. Sincerely, IAC Board of Directors ...

April 2019 Board Meeting summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Jason Range, Allison Martin and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Visit from Marie Beason, Director of the Indiana War Memorials Foundation. Marie spoke with the Board about how to activate the memorials for those living, visiting and enjoying downtown. She wants the memorials to be more accessible to...