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News and Notes

Roof Top Project – Completed!

The rooftop project is finally complete! We have changed the door handle, so everyone will now have access. Carl is working on getting the cushions out today. The remaining cushions are still being upholstered per the House Committee. Thank you for your patience and have a great weekend! ...

Cable in workout room

Dear resident, Recently Ardsley Management negotiated a cost effective bundled cable, phone and internet package with AT&T for the door call boxes and common areas of the building. The public IAC wifi available in the conference and workout rooms switched from Spectrum to AT&T smoothly. However, the cable access for the workout room requires a technician for...

Crane Use, Friday, June 21st

The roofing contractor would like to set the crane in the surface parking lot on Friday, 6/21/19 between 8-4pm to remove materials for the last time. If at all possible, please have vehicles moved by 8am. Vehicles can return after 4pm. If the weather cooperates, the roof top project should be completed by Monday, 6/24! Thank...

June 2019 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears (by phone), Jason Range, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Board member resignation. Jason is resigning from the Board effective as he is moving out of state, opening up the third and final year of his term. The Board will hold a special resident meeting Tuesday,...

Crane use – Friday, June 7th, 2-4pm

I apologize for the late notice, but I was just notified that the roofing contractor would like to set the crane in the surface parking lot tomorrow, 6/7/19 between 2-4pm to lift materials. If at all possible, please have vehicles moved by 2pm. This will keep the rooftop project moving forward and on track for the...

Update on rooftop deck project

Dear resident, The rooftop paver project has experienced some rain delays but the contractors anticipate project completion within two weeks, weather permitting. While the paver system is being updated the House Committee is also helping to have the rooftop furniture cushions re-covered by Frost Upholstery.  Half of the cushions are being updated currently. Once completed they will be...

South lot security this Saturday

Dear resident, The Board would like to remind those residents who have parking spaces in the south surface lot that there will be an off-duty police officer providing security from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the 500 Festival parade this Saturday. The officer will have a list of the owners/residents who have spots in the...

May 2019 Board Meeting summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Jason Range, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Resident Forum. Dennis Dye spoke to the Board regarding windows he will be replacing. Dennis suggests using the company—Suburban Glass—as an additional IAC preferred vendor. The Board approved the window replacements. Cleaning and Maintenance. Window Washing. The spring window washing...