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News and Notes

October 2020 Board Meeting Summary

Members present (via Zoom). Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Guardian Start Date. Guardian Water & Power is installing new water meters this week. Water for each unit will only be off approximately a half hour as they work through the building. Final utilities billing. The current...

2020 Third Quarter Financials

Please see the links below for the third quarter financial statements. IAC balance sheet ending September 30, 2020IAC budget comparison ending September 30, 2020 If you have any questions in regards to either one of these documents, please contact Sarah Leveridge at [email protected] or 317-259-0383 Ext. 223. Sincerely,IAC Board of Directors ...

Fire system testing next week

Dear neighbor, There will be routine testing of the building's fire suppression system Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept. 29. Before noon on both of those days the fire alarm may sound and the building-wide public announcement system may be used for short periods of time. Thank you for your patience during our annual testing,IAC Board of...

Basement Garage Bike Audit

The Board will be conducting a bike audit to locate and donate any unclaimed bikes that may have been left by previous owners or tenants. Circle tags will soon be provided in the mailroom for residents to attach to every bike they own and park in the basement garage. It does not matter what color tag you...

September 2020 Board Meeting Summary

Members present (via Zoom). Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Cleaning and Maintenance. Window cleaning schedule update. Window washing was completed Sept. 11 and 12. Another cleaning will be scheduled for December.Guardian Start Date. Sarah is working with Guardian Water & Power to finalize communications to residents...

Upcoming basement garage cleaning

Dear neighbor, Please note for your calendar that Indiana Construction & Consulting Services will be cleaning the basement garage on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Residents who park in the basement should have their cars moved by 9 a.m. The cleaning is expected to be complete no later than 6 p.m. that day. Thank you in advance for your cooperation...