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News and Notes

Reminder: 2021 IAC Annual Meeting

We wanted to remind everyone the IAC Lofts HOA 2021 Annual Meeting is tomorrow night (Tuesday, January 19th) at 6:30pm.  The Zoom meeting invite is included below. We have included links to the following documents which may be helpful for the Annual Meeting: Here is link to the revised Annual Meeting AgendaHere is a link to Annual Meeting...

Updated COVID Precautions

COVID-19 risk continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Given the COVID variant that is reportedly 70% more contagious we are modifying our IAC COVID precautions.  Medical professionals continue to stress the three most important things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe are: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20...

IAC Board Involvement

As you know two Board positions will soon expire and will be filled at the IAC Lofts HOA Annual Meeting on January 19th.  We thought this would be a good opportunity to share what your Board does and key elements of a successful Board.  The Board has many important responsibilities including: Ensures the community is well maintained...

December 2020 Board Meeting Summary

December 2020 Board Meeting Summary Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Allison Martin, Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Alyssa Weiting, and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management (all via Zoom Video Conferencing). Cleaning and Maintenance. West Elevator Upgrade. Mid-America Elevator started the upgrade to the west elevator which will take six to eight weeks.  Sarah submitted an estimate of $750 to procure...

Reimagining the Curb

Dear neighbor, The City of Indianapolis has a unique opportunity to leverage connections to underground power located at 89 sites along curbs throughout our downtown and neighborhoods. These sites were the former locations of the BlueIndy electric vehicle carsharing service, which ended operations in May 2020.  One of those locations are just across the street from our...

West Elevator Update

Dear neighbor, Mid-America Elevator has started their planned upgrade of the west elevator.  Unfortunately, the west elevator will be out of service for the next six to eight weeks.  We know this is an inconvenience as this forces additional traffic into the east elevators.  In addition, the west elevator is the only one that goes to the...