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News and Notes

February 2021 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Alyssa Wieting, Mary Ann Sullivan, and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management (all via Zoom Video Conferencing). Cleaning and Maintenance. West Elevator Upgrade.  Mid-America Elevator expects the west elevator upgrade project to be completed in the next two weeks.  The age of the elevator is a contributing factor to taking more time...

2021 Monthly Assessment Coupon Book

Dear IAC neighbor, You have probably noticed that Ardsley Management sent you a 2021 monthly assessment coupon book that starts with February instead of January.  If you have not yet made your January assessment payment, please include your January payment with your February payment and coupon.  There will not be a penalty for a late January payment...

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 6:32pm by Amanda Goehlert.Reading of the Minutes of 2020 Annual Meeting – Residents approved the 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes.Overview of Zoom Meeting Protocol and Voting Procedure – Allison Martin covered virtual meeting protocols and explained how to use private chat feature to vote.President’s Welcome and 2020 Review...

January 2021 Board Meeting Summary

Members present.  Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears, and newly elected Board Members Mary Ann Sullivan and Jeff Nolan (all via Zoom video conferencing). New Business. Request for short term rental variance for NCAA Men’s Tournament – An IAC resident requested a variance from the ban on short-term rentals for the upcoming NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament in Indianapolis. ...

2021 IAC Board Candidates

Jeff Nolan - Originally from Indianapolis, I moved back full-time in 2015 after having lived and worked in New York for nearly seven years. Kari and I keep our home in Bargersville for education purposes and purchased our city unit in the IAC in December 2017. We have three kids, Jeffrey, Callen and Adelyn. I'm a...

Reminder: 2021 IAC Annual Meeting

We wanted to remind everyone the IAC Lofts HOA 2021 Annual Meeting is tomorrow night (Tuesday, January 19th) at 6:30pm.  The Zoom meeting invite is included below. We have included links to the following documents which may be helpful for the Annual Meeting: Here is link to the revised Annual Meeting AgendaHere is a link to Annual Meeting...

Updated COVID Precautions

COVID-19 risk continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Given the COVID variant that is reportedly 70% more contagious we are modifying our IAC COVID precautions.  Medical professionals continue to stress the three most important things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe are: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20...