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News and Notes

Recent Incidents in University Park

Dear IAC neighbors, As many of you know, a woman was fatally stabbed in University Park this past Thursday afternoon. This incident followed the non-fatal attack under similar circumstances this past Monday afternoon. Indications are both victims had gathered in the Park for what have become regular feedings of homeless persons. Since this incident, the Board has...

Reminder – Help plant annuals in Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday, May 21st

Reminder - Summer Annuals Planting in Our Front Yard Task:  Plant Summer Flowers - Annuals, first in University Park then in other Indiana War Memorial Parks north. Date:  Saturday, May 21st   Time:  10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Meet:  SW Corner Indiana War Memorial Bring:  Gardening gloves if you have them (we have some to borrow), something to kneel on (an...

Brick Update

Dear IAC Neighbor: As part of the IAC Board’s ongoing assessment of the IAC building and its components, as established in the 2017 and updated 2022 Capital Reserve Studies, Arsee Engineering and Broady - Campbell Construction (engineers and contractors responsible for the 2017 Brick Project), recently completed an analysis of the condition of the west wall of...