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Board of Directors

Summary of February 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Present:  Dale Benson, Jack Wickes, Steve Spence, Jennifer Bissett.  Absent:  Jason All.  Also present:  Chris Noll of Ardsley Management. Election of Officers.  The Board elected Dale Benson as President for the 2014 year, Jason All as Vice President, Jack Wickes as Secretary and Steve Spence as Treasurer. Resignation of Board Member.  The Board reluctantly accepted Jennifer’s resignation and...

Summary of August 13, 2013 IAC Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 5:30.  A quorum was present - JT Metzger, Jennifer Bissett and Dale Benson. Also present  was Chris Noll representing Ardsley Management.  2. Rooftop security camera and lighting.  Bids have been received for installation of rooftop security cameras and additional lighting.  Total $3,076.64.  Major expense is getting the cable and electricity to the roof. ...