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Summary of December 9, 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Summary of December 9, 2014 IAC Board Meeting Finance report. Only one homeowner is more than two months late in monthly dues payments. That homeowner is significantly in arrears and their account has been forwarded to legal. Cost of painting project. Currently about $21,500. Nearly 100% complete. Re-keying alley door. The alley (Pierson Street) door has been re-keyed for residents’...

Summary of November 12, 2014 IAC Board Minutes

Indianapolis Athletic Club Condominiums Summary of November 12, 2014 Board Meeting Members Present.  Jason All, Frank Hrisomalos, Dale Benson, Steve Spence. Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway Painting.  $20,400 expended on painting through the 1st week of November. Hallway painting essentially completed except for a few remaining doors. Financial Report. Expenses about 18K above budgeted amounts; however,...

Summary of November 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Indianapolis Athletic Club Condominiums Summary of November 12, 2014 Board Meeting Members Present.  Jason All, Frank Hrisomalos, Dale Benson, Steve Spence. Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway Painting.  $20,400 expended on painting through the 1st week of November. Hallway painting essentially completed except for a few remaining doors. Financial Report. Expenses about 18K above budgeted amounts; however,...

Summary of September 9, 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Members Present.  Jason All,  Jack Wickes, Dale Benson, Steve Spence, Frank Hrisomalos. Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway Painting.  $18,500 expended on painting through the 1st week of August. Currently working on second floor hallway doors and trim plus annex. Financial Report. Chris Noll distributed end of August financial report. Dues collection at 99%.  ...

Summary of August 12, 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Members Present.  Jason All,  Jack Wickes, Dale Benson. Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway Painting.  $15,500 expended on painting through the 1st week of August.  All hallways completed.  Presently painting doors and door frames. Financial Report. Chris Noll distributed end of July financial report.  Income 2K behind schedule. Expenses remain generally in line with budgeted...

Summary of July 8, 2014 Board Meeting

Indianapolis Athletic Club Summary of July 8, 2014 Board Meeting   Members Present.  Jason All,  Jack Wickes, Dale Benson, Frank Hrisomalos, Steve Spence.  Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway Painting.  $11,725 expended on painting through the 4th of July.  Board directed Manager to begin painting doors (hall-side) and door frames.  Board reaffirmed that no door frame or...

Summary of June 10, 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Indianapolis Athletic Club Summary of June 10, 2014 Board Meeting   Members Present.  Jason All,  Dale Benson, Frank Hrisomalos, Steve Spence.  Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway and Storage Area Painting and Carpeting.  6th, 7th and 8th floors completed as well as stairwell to roof, annex lobby and annex hallways.The Board made the decision to continue the...

Summary of May 12, 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Indianapolis Athletic Club Summary of May 12, 2014 Board Meeting   Members Present.  Jason All,  Dale Benson, Jack Wickes, Steve Spence.  Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. Hallway and Storage Area Painting and Carpeting.  Hallway painting nearly completed for 7th and 8th floors.  Stairwell to roof to be painted next and then Annex lobby and Annex 3rd and...

Summary of April 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Members Present. Jason All, Frank Hrisomalos, Dale Benson, Jack Wickes. Chris Noll also present representing Ardsley Property Management. • Hallway and Storage Area Painting and Carpeting. Storage area painting completed. Ardsley will contract with the selected painter to paint 2014 scheduled hallways. . Paint palates for 7 and 8 have been selected by the residents of those floors...

Summary of March 2014 IAC Board Meeting

Indianapolis Athletic Club Board of Directors Summary of March 11, 2014 Meting New Board Member.  The Board voted unanimously to appoint Frank Hrisomalos to fill, for the remainder of this year, the Board position vacated by Jennifer Bissett. Hallway and Storage Area Painting. Hallway painting will begin late March or early April--floors 8 and 7 plus stairwell leading up...