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Board of Directors

IAC October 2015 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, Jason All, Jack Wickes, Alan Nelson and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Rooftop cleaning. Preventative maintenance check has been completed. Two small slits were found and repaired. The area of the rubber roof around the rooftop pavers was cleaned by the roofing company. Packages outside of unit doors. The board decided...

IAC September 2015 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, Jason All, Jack Wickes, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Rooftop cleaning. Preventative maintenance check and cleaning will be done in early October. Basement parking sports. A resident has asked if it is possible for a current owner to sell a parking spot. The board determined that parking spaces are property...

IAC August 2015 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, Amanda Goehlert, Jason All, Jack Wickes, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. NWP. The board voted to approve to pay to replace NWP’s data collector if the company determines repair is not possible. Chris will find out if the capital investment to replace it can be passed on through payments. Additional...

IAC June 2015 Board of Directors Meeting Summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, Amanda Goehlert, Jack Wickes, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Realtor tour and quarterly walk-thru. A realtor tour has been set for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8. The quarterly walk-thru will take place before the tour, starting 5:15 p.m. AC unit repairs/replacement. Four common area AC units need compressors. The...

IAC Board of Directors May 2015 Meeting Summary

Members present. Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, Amanda Goehlert, Jack Wickes, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Homeowner survey. JT has not been able to locate the files from the previous homeowner survey, therefore the board and Chris will create a new survey. Basketball court and storage room cleaning. The basketball court cleaning is complete. The same company...

IAC April board meeting summary

Indianapolis Athletic Club Board of Directors April Meeting Summary Members present. Jason All, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, Amanda Goehlert, Jack Wickes, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Fire Safety tutorial. The board members met to go through a fire safety and sprinkler shutoff tutorial with Chris and Carl. The board now knows how to silence the alarm if...

Summary of February 10, 2015 IAC Board Minutes

Summary of February 10, 2015 IAC Board Minutes Members present. Dale Benson, Jason All, Steve Spence, Amanda Goehlert, Alan Nelson, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Fire alarm system. The board approved payment to Koorsen for repairs to fire protection system found after routine testing. Board members will be instructed on how the alarm system works for...