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Board of Directors

March 2020 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management COVID-19. The IAC will be posting updates from the Board as we monitor our community during the COVID-19 outbreak. Building maintenance has stepped up cleaning efforts for common areas touched daily.  Update regarding fitness facilities: The IAC Board...

Attention: IAC Fitness Facilities Temporarily Closed

Dear IAC Resident, At the advisement of Ardsley Management and following the guidelines of Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett—who issued a "local disaster emergency" Monday afternoon—the IAC Board has opted to close the fitness center and basketball, squash and racquetball courts effective at midnight tonight, Monday, March 16, in...

Athletic court cleanings

Dear resident, The dates A&H Athletic Flooring will be cleaning and finishing the athletic courts has been pushed back one day due to a scheduling conflict on the vendor's end. The basketball, squash and racquetball courts will now be cleaned Tuesday, March 17. Squash and racquetball courts will be available for use Tuesday evening. The basketball court...

February 2020 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears (by phone) and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management Board Positions. The Board decided positions as follows: President: Russ McQuaid, unit 104, [email protected], 317-991-0061 Vice President: Kevin Sears, unit 904, [email protected], 309-642-8207Treasurer: Alyssa Wieting, unit A403, [email protected], 317-698-2576Secretary: Amanda Goehlert, unit 410, [email protected], 812-219-8011At large: Allison Martin, unit A102,...