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Board of Directors

June 2021 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Alyssa Wieting, Jeanette Ray, Mary Ann Sullivan, and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Cleaning and Maintenance. West Elevator Upgrade.  Mid-America Elevator (MAE) resolved the controller issues and have made final adjustments in preparation of inspection. During the safety testing MAE discovered that the original brake shoe linings have worn to the...

July 4th Fireworks

Fireworks Return to Downtown Indianapolis Visit Indy and Downtown Indy, Inc. partner for fireworks; new launch site at 500 North Meridian INDIANAPOLIS - - After being cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions last year, central Indiana residents and visitors will be able to enjoy a massive firework display once again in the heart of Downtown Indianapolis this Independence Day....

June, 2021 IAC Board Meeting Notice

The June 2021 IAC Board Meeting will be held in the IAC conference room and via Zoom.  Board members who are fully vaccinated and who feel comfortable meeting in person are welcome to attend in person while others and residents are encouraged to attend via Zoom conferencing. Topic:             IAC Board Meeting – June 8th, 2021 Time:            ...

Correction… Annex Elevator

Apparently someone broke the Annex first floor elevator call button last night so one can't call the elevator from the first floor. One can call the elevator from other floors so until a replacement knob is installed you will need to go to the Annex second floor to call the elevator. Mid-America Elevator has been notified and will be at...

Elevator Issue…

Apparently someone broke the first floor elevator call button last night so one can't call the elevator from the first floor. One can call the elevator from other floors so until a replacement knob is installed you will need to go to the basement or the second floor to call the elevator. Mid-America Elevator...

Elevator Issue…

Apparently someone broke the first floor elevator call button last night so one can't call the elevator from the first floor. One can call the elevator from other floors so until a replacement knob is installed you will need to go to the basement or the second floor to call the elevator. Mid-America Elevator...

May 2021 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Alyssa Wieting, Jeanette Ray, and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Cleaning and Maintenance. West Elevator Upgrade.  Mid-America Elevator is waiting for one piece to complete the North elevator upgrade followed by an inspection.  Communication from Mid-America’s VP of Operations states, “Please be assured that resolving this issue and completing the elevator...