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Board of Directors

Motorcycles on Meridian

Heavy traffic is expected in downtown Indianapolis this Saturday because of the following event. Accordingly, we will have chains blocking the Meridian Street entrances the the South surface parking lot from 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon until Sunday morning. Please use the parking lot entrance from the Pierson St. alley during this time. Sincerely, IAC Board of...

Motorcycles on Meridian

Heavy traffic is expected in downtown Indianapolis this Saturday because of the following event. Accordingly, we will have chains blocking the Meridian Street entrances the the South surface parking lot from 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon until Sunday morning. Please use the parking lot entrance from the Pierson St. alley during this time. Sincerely, IAC Board of...

August 2021 IAC Board Meeting Notice

The August 2021 IAC Board Meeting will be held in the IAC conference room and via Zoom.  Board members who are fully vaccinated and who feel comfortable meeting in person are welcome to attend in person while others and residents are encouraged to attend via Zoom conferencing. Topic:             IAC Board Meeting – August 19th, 2021 Time:            ...

Opportunity for Community Advocacy

IAC neighbors, Marnie Maxwell of Maxwell Associates, Inc. reached out to the Downtown Indianapolis HOA Cooperative to identify young downtown residents who might be willing to participate in a discussion on August 4. Maxwell Associates is doing some work with Christ Church Cathedral on Monument Circle.  They want to expand their connections in downtown Indianapolis and, towards that...

July IAC Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Russ McQuaid, Kevin Sears, Alyssa Wieting, Jeanette Ray, Mary Ann Sullivan, and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management. Cleaning and Maintenance. West Elevator Upgrade – Mid-America Elevator (MAE) has completed the upgrade to the West elevator.  There have been a few minor service issues and fine-tuning of the system however the elevator has been inspected and...

Message from the IAC Board

Dear IAC Neighbors: The recent tragedy in Surfside, Florida, has highlighted the role HOA’s play in the maintenance, repair, and responsible operations of their properties.  In 2016 and 2017, the Indianapolis Athletic Club faced its own repair challenge with the replacement and shoring up of the brick façade. Throughout this process, the Board kept the membership advised of...

July, 2021 IAC Board Meeting Notice

The July 2021 IAC Board Meeting will be held in the IAC conference room and via Zoom.  Board members who are fully vaccinated and who feel comfortable meeting in person are welcome to attend in person while others and residents are encouraged to attend via Zoom conferencing. Topic:             IAC Board Meeting – July 13th, 2021 Time:            ...