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Board of Directors

Building Safety and Security Notice – Update

As we previously communicated, an intruder gained access the IAC and attempted to enter several units at the IAC on Sunday morning, January 16th. The photo below was pulled from the IAC security camera system. If you recognize this individual or have any information that may be helpful to the ongoing investigation, please contact IMPD Detective...

2021 December and YTD Financial Narrative and Statements

Please click on the below link to to view the IAC 2021 December and December Year-To-Date financial narrative and financial statements: IAC 2021 December and December YTD Financial Narrative and Financial Statements The Board approved IAC 2022 Budget has been posted to the Documents section of the website and is also available by clicking here Sincerely, IAC Lofts Owners Association...

2022 IAC Lofts Owners Association Annual Meeting Information

The Annual Meeting of the IAC Lofts Owners Association, Inc. will take place at 6:30pm on Tuesday, January 18th. The link below will take you to a packet of information for the meeting which includes: Meeting announcement and participation informationMeeting agenda2021 Annual Meeting Minutes2021 ReviewInformation on D-N-A Integrators proposal for AlphaTouch entry systemIAC Lofts Owners Association...