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News and Notes

November 2016 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, CJ O’Donnell, Todd McKinley, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Meeting was also observed by Russ McQuaid, Deanna Malatesta-McQuaid, Aaron Smalls, Pat Spence, Reid Ludlow, and one additional resident (name not recorded). Resident Forum. Several residents asked questions of the board during the open resident forum. Topics discussed...

Brick stabilization Phase I bids and costs

On Friday, November 18 the board and Fritz Herget of Arsee Engineers, Inc., received two contractor bids for brick stabilization work on the south facade. The two companies submitting bids were Broady-Campbell of Indianapolis and Bulley & Andrews Masonry Restoration (BAMR) from Chicago. After reviewing, Mr. Herget then provided a recommendation to the IAC board as to which...

Brick repair presentation, notes and Q&A

Dear residents, On the evening of Thursday, Nov. 3, Fritz Herget and two associates from Arsee Engineering, Inc. presented their findings from an assessment of the building. Mr. Herget’s background and experience is in historical buildings, construction and facades. He has done restoration for the Indiana Statehouse, the Murat, and Clark National Monument and others. The board...

2016 3rd Quarter Financials

Dear Resident, Please see the links below for the 3rd quarter income & expense statement along with the 3rd quarter balance sheet. IAC balance sheet ending September 30, 2016 IAC income & expense statement ending September 30, 2016 If you have any questions in regards to either one of these documents, please contact Chris Noll at [email protected] or...

Town Hall Meeting

Fellow Residents, In the past two weeks, the Board identified concerns with the exterior brick masonry on the south side of the building. We moved quickly and enacted emergency repairs to address what appeared to be basic repairs needed on the “inlet” walls and the south wall facing the parking lot. Through these efforts, we...

Presentation on fiber internet option for building

Dear neighbors, As many of you might agree, internet service speeds through cable or phone providers have been mediocre at best. Board members and other residents have researched other internet providers as an alternative. Specifically, we have been looking to fiber internet as a higher speed (and possibly lower cost) option for residents. On Monday, November 7th at 7...

October 2016 Board Meeting Summary

Members present. Amanda Goehlert, C.J. O’Donnell, Todd McKinley, Steve Spence, Alan Nelson, and Chris Noll representing Ardsley Property Management. Emergency Brick Repairs. The area in need of emergency repair was cordoned off and Blakely’s came out to determine the immediate scope of work. As they do the current repairs they will come up with an additional estimate...