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Bulletin Board

IAC October Board Meeting Summary and September 2023 Financial Narrative

Please see links below the IAC October Board Meeting Summary and the September Financial Narrative: IAC October Board Meeting Summary September and September YTD Financial Narrative IAC September and 3Q Financial Statements Please direct any questions to [email protected] . Sincerely, IAC Lofts Owners Association Board of Directors...

NOTICE IAC October 2023 Board Meeting

IAC Upcoming Meetings Notice NEW START TIME   October 2023 - IAC Board Meeting Notice   The October 2023 IAC Board Meeting will be held in the IAC conference room.   Topic:             IAC Board Meeting – Monday October 9th , 2023 Time:             6:00 PM – Conference Room   Zoom link available upon request.       If you would like to bring an issue before the Board,...

Walkover Bridge Renovation to Start 9/21/23

Walkover Bridge Renovation As promised the renovation of the walkover bridge to the Denison parking garage is ready to start. Beginning tomorrow Thursday September 21st, 2023, the walkover bridge will be closed to residents. We ask that you use the elevator or stairs to get to your car. This renovation is set to last approximately 7 days....

Indy “DNA” Kickoff Scheduled for Saturday September 30th

Please plan to participate in the kickoff event for the Downtown Neighbors' Alliance on September 30th.  The IAC Board and residents have been involved in organizing the "DNA" which is a resident-driven initiative aimed at enhancing communication and information-sharing among Downtown residents. Indy DNA will serve as a unified platform for Downtown neighbors, offering a collective...