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Author: Kevin Sears

Recycle Event – June 9th and 10th

IAC Neighbors, We need your help!!  June 9th and/or 10th from 9-11 AM. The Back Story:  Our sub basement and annex, over the years as condos, have collected STUFF that needs to be appropriately recycled. This was discovered by the House Committee while looking for more storage units for IAC folks to use.  Barb Benson, Mary Ann Sullivan & Pat Spence with Chris’ assistance developed...

Parking Information – Hang Tag Distribution

Attention IAC residents with assigned parking in the Meridian St. surface parking  lot or the IAC basement (and Annex) garage:   The IAC resident parking tags are available for distribution next week at the following times: Monday, May 1st (North Lounge) 8:00am - 10:00am 12:00 noon - 1:30pm 5:00pm - 6:30pm Tuesday, May 2nd  11:00am - 1:00pm (North Lounge) 6:30pm...

IMPORTANT – Parking Communication

14Apr2023 - IMPORTANT – Parking Communication  The west wall brick restoration project will start the week of April 24th.  Accordingly, we need to communicate important information regarding IAC resident/guest parking which will likely be in effect through September. The 21 spaces on far west end of the Meridian St. parking lot will be blocked off for contractor...

IAC February 2023 Board Meeting Summary

The February IAC Board Meeting Summary and January Financial Narrative are available via the links below: IAC February Board Meeting Summary IAC January Financial Narrative Safety and security reminder posted on February 15th is available here: Security Communication 15Feb2023 If you need access to the updated IAC website please send an e-mail to [email protected] and we'll send you...