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Author: Kevin Sears

Save the Dates – IAC Holiday Events

Please save the dates for these two IAC Holiday events: Decorating the IAC for the Holidays will be Thursday, November 30, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm and Friday, December 1, from 9:00am to approximately Noon. Everyone is welcome, please meet in the Elevator lobby. The IAC Holiday Progressive Dinner will be held on Sunday, December 3rd starting at 5:30pm....

Meeting Announcement – 2024 IAC Budget Information Meeting 06Nov2023 at 7:00pm

Dear IAC Lofts Owners Association Members,   The IAC Board invites you to an informational meeting to discuss the 2024 Budget.  The meeting will be held on Monday, November 6th, at 7:00pm in the North Lounge. Creating the budget is always a challenging process, and we hope that with your help, we will create a budget that reflects the priorities...

IAC October Board Meeting Summary and September 2023 Financial Narrative

Please see links below the IAC October Board Meeting Summary and the September Financial Narrative: IAC October Board Meeting Summary September and September YTD Financial Narrative IAC September and 3Q Financial Statements Please direct any questions to [email protected] . Sincerely, IAC Lofts Owners Association Board of Directors...

Indy “DNA” Kickoff Scheduled for Saturday September 30th

Please plan to participate in the kickoff event for the Downtown Neighbors' Alliance on September 30th.  The IAC Board and residents have been involved in organizing the "DNA" which is a resident-driven initiative aimed at enhancing communication and information-sharing among Downtown residents. Indy DNA will serve as a unified platform for Downtown neighbors, offering a collective...

IMPORTANT – Please DO NOT Use Trash Chutes Until Further Notice

The trash elevator between the sub-basement and the garage level is broken.  PLEASE carry your garbage to the dumpsters in the parking garage until the repairs are made. Don't forget to take your smartphone with the Openpath app to get back into the elevator lobby. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, IAC Lofts Owners Association Board of Directors...

Jack Wickes Exhibition – “Returning to the World – Vietnam Veterans Journeys”

Fellow IAC resident Jack Wickes, would like to invite his IAC neighbors and friends to his exhibition "Returning to the World - Vietnam Veterans Journeys" Jack interviewed and photographed 25 Vietnam Veterans regarding their service in Vietnam and their experiences as they returned to their life in the United States. Please see exhibition details in the attached...