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Author: brandrenew

Revised Rules and Regulations

July 27th, 2018 Dear IAC Owners and Tenants, Under our Bylaws, it is the responsibility of the IAC Board of Directors to modify the IAC Rules and Regulations to make sure they address areas of concern as expressed by our Owners. The IAC Board of Directors has updated some additional areas of the IAC Rules and...

South Parking Lot Project

Dear Homeowner, The schedule for the South parking lot project has changed slightly. The project is still set to begin on June 27th but the re-striping work will now take place on Saturday June 30th instead of Wednesday July 5th. All vehicles will need to be cleared out of the South lot from 7am on...

South Parking Lot Project

Dear Homeowner, The South parking lot project is set to begin on June 27th. All vehicles will need to be cleared out of the South lot from 7am on June 27th until 9am on June 29th. The South lot will also need to be cleared out from 7am on July 5th until 9am on July...

Basement Garage Cleaning

Dear Homeowner, The basement level parking garage will be cleaned on Tuesday March 20th starting at 8:30am. Please remove your vehicle by no later than 8:00am on Tuesday March 20th. The cleaning should take approximately 8 hours to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Noll at Ardsley Management at 259-0383 Ext. 230 or [email protected] Sincerely, IAC...

Basement Garage Cleaning

Dear Homeowner, The basement level parking garage will be cleaned on Tuesday March 20th starting at 8:30am. Please remove your vehicle by no later than 8:00am on Tuesday March 20th. The cleaning should take approximately 8 hours to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Noll at Ardsley Management at 259-0383 Ext. 230 or [email protected] Sincerely, IAC...

Exterior Window Cleaning

Dear Homeowner, The exterior window cleaning for the east, north, and west facing windows will be done on December 1st and 2nd, weather permitting. Due to the ongoing brick construction, they will be unable to clean any south facing windows. If you have any questions please contact Chris Noll at [email protected]. Sincerely, IAC Board of Directors ...

South Parking Lot

Dear IAC Homeowner, Due to the ongoing brick repair work the south parking lot will not be accessible on Saturday May 27th from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. due to the 500 Festival Parade. If you are needing to use your vehicle on that Saturday we recommend that you move your vehicle on Friday evening...


Dear IAC Homeowner: As a measure to optimize security we will be switching out each owner’s fobs. We will be issuing 4 new fobs to all of the IAC owners. The new fobs will be mailed out to each owner on May 23rd. The fobs will be active and available for immediate use. ...

Short Term/Overnight Rentals

Dear IAC Homeowner: The Board would like to remind all owners that short term and overnight rentals are not permitted. According to the By Laws, Section 6.01, Sub Section P, any owner who leases a residential unit shall lease the entire residential unit for at least a 6 month initial period and shall have a written...