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Author: IAC Board

Share your thoughts on public safety

Dear resident, The Board encourages residents to take part in an anonymous 15-minute Public Safety Survey that Mayor Hogsett's office has posted online to gather community input. According to the site: "We are on a path to develop a community-driven definition of justice and public safety in Indianapolis. This definition will drive the transformation of systems that...

Rooftop deck electric grill installed

Dear neighbor, Today an electric grill was installed on the rooftop deck and is available for use. The Board will be updating the IAC Rules and Regulations with the following guidelines. Please be safe and responsible when enjoying this new building amenity. Sincerely,IAC Board of Directors Use of Community GrillThe rooftop deck electric community grill is available for...

Results of spring 2020 IAC survey

Dear Neighbor, In March your Board of Directors conducted the first of a series of surveys to better understand the needs and wants of the IAC resident community. The Board has analyzed the survey results which were compiled before the recent coronavirus pandemic and the impact of recent protests in downtown Indianapolis had on our building and...

June 2020 Board Meeting Summary

Members present (via Zoom). Amanda Goehlert, Russ McQuaid, Alyssa Wieting, Kevin Sears, Allison Martin and Sarah Leveridge representing Ardsley Property Management Cleaning and Maintenance. Guardian Contract Execution. Work will be scheduled to start replacing water meters and switching billing providers to Guardian approximately six weeks from the June Board meeting.Elevator Upgrades. West elevator. Mid-America estimates the work to upgrade...

South lot and safety update

Dear resident, Please be aware that the Board of Directors has opted to close off the Meridian entrances to the south lot this evening to deter vehicle and pedestrian traffic of non-residents. Please enter the south lot through the alley during this time. Residents parking in the surface lot may consider parking cars in the garage if...

Update: Meridian door operable

Dear resident, The broken glass at the Vermont and Meridian doors has been removed and the entrances covered with plywood. The Vermont door remains closed, but the Meridian door is still operable. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Property Manager Sarah Leveridge at [email protected]. As a reminder, Ardsley's after hours number to report an issue...